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clearview americans lawsuit legal privacy facial recognition biometrics data collection clearview ai

Clearview AI wants to pay Americans pennies in company equity for violating their privacy

WTF?! The endlessly beleaguered facial recognition company Clearview AI is making news again. However, it's not over the startup's image scraping practices, which are questionable at best. This time, the company is attempting to keep itself out of bankruptcy by offering millions of plaintiffs in a privacy class action a stake in the company worth about 30 cents per claimant after lawyer fees.
generated models star virtual beauty pageant

Artificial beauty? Exploring the world of AI models in the inaugural Miss AI pageant

Welcome to the future
WTF?! In news that will likely elicit the use of the Professor Farnsworth "I don't want to live on this planet anymore" meme, this month will see the inaugural "Miss AI" beauty pageant take place. Judges – two human and two virtual models – will choose an AI-generated model in a competition that will be handing out thousands of dollars in prizes.
elon musk apple openai privacy tesla chatgpt

Elon Musk threatens to ban Apple devices at his companies over OpenAI integration

Visitors will have to put their Apple devices in a Faraday cage
A hot potato: It's no secret that Elon Musk really isn't a fan of OpenAI – as evidenced by his lawsuit against the company. Apple's partnership with the ChatGPT maker seems to have riled the billionaire even more, to the point where he has threatened to ban iPhones from all his companies.
power politics nvidia gpu enterprise industry openai jensen huang data center chatgpt

Opinion: Power Politics and GPUs

The challenge of staying ahead in AI
Editor's take: As much as it would make sense for Nvidia to focus solely on being the leading AI silicon vendor, their rise to power has left them with little choice but to continue pushing forward in areas that make some of their big customers uncomfortable.
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