

Noteworthy software industry news, key players and software releases, patches, and features transforming our digital experiences.

winamp with video

Hobbyist revives the beloved Winamp player into a polished physical marvel

The big picture: Teenagers and young adults of the late 1990s will remember Winamp as the de facto music player on their Windows PCs. If tinkering with electronics and fabrication is your jam, give Linamp a look. It brings Winamp to the physical plane, allowing you to touch this piece of history. It is a testament to one's passion and creativity, taking something old and giving it a new lease on life.
Microsoft Recall

When asked about Windows Recall privacy concerns, Microsoft researcher gives non-answer (updated)

Microsoft has revised their stance on how it plans to implement it
A hot potato: Microsoft's Recall feature is being universally slammed for the privacy implications that come from screenshotting everything you do on a computer. However, at least one person seems to think the concerns are overblown. Unsurprisingly, it's Microsoft Research's chief scientist, who didn't really give an answer when asked about Recall's negative points.
google backup google cloud

Google discloses how they mistakenly erased $135 billion cloud customer account

Facepalm: One of Google Cloud's worst nightmares came true in early May, when an embarrassing snafu completely erased a customer's account and data backups. The unlucky victim was Australian pension fund UniSuper, which manages a staggering $135 billion in assets for over 600,000 members. The pension fund was essentially frozen for two weeks, unable to fully operate while it scrambled to recover from third-party backups.
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