Steam articles

steam hori halloween valve gamepad controller steam controller

Steam's new official controller comes from Hori, arrives this Halloween

Programmable inputs, gyro, Steam quick access button, and more
Something to look forward to: Hori is known for its high-quality console gamepads and has released PC controllers before, but working directly with Valve on an officially licensed pad is somewhat unexpected. Furthermore, this is the first controller Valve has licensed since discontinuing its Steam controller almost five years ago. However, Hori has only confirmed a Japanese release so far.
team fortress valve steam cheating team fortress 2

Team Fortress 2 players drop review bomb on Valve for ignoring game's bot problem

The community is fed up with the cheaters and started a petition demanding developers nip the issue in the bud
What just happened? Team Fortress 2 just got review-bombed so hard that its "recent review" ranking is now "mostly negative." Despite being 17 years old, the team shooter is still very popular, even more so with its recent update. It still ranks as one of the most-played games on Steam.
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Sony cancels PSN account linking requirement for Helldivers 2 PC players following backlash

The people have spoken, Sony (eventually) listened
In context: Sony has reversed a decision that would have forced Helldivers 2 Steam players to link their accounts to PSN following global outcry against the move. The immensely popular game had been pulled from Valve's platform in 170 countries without PSN access and seen its recent Steam rating fall to Mostly Negative as a result of the now-canceled requirement.
stardew valley steam

Stardew Valley's long-anticipated 1.6 update breaks own Steam records

Modders should check the provided compatibility list
Highly anticipated: Stardew Valley has remained popular since its initial release in 2016, but this week's 1.6 update has sparked more interest in the game than ever before. Its massive changelog describes several added features, lists dozens of adjustments, and confirms a fan theory.