Two times louder
Four times louder
Eight times louder
Ten times louder
Choose your answer and the correct choice will be revealed.
Correct Answer: Four times louder

A little background and more context about this trivia

The decibel (dB) scale is logarithmic, not linear, increasing by a power of ten with every 10dB, which roughly equates to a doubling in loudness based on average human hearing. Consequently, 30dB is about twice as loud as 20dB, and a computer producing 40dB of noise would be approximately four times louder than one generating 20dB.

A PC emitting only 20dB of noise would be considered a relatively quiet system, while a typical office environment is around 40-50dB, and comfortable hearing levels are said to be below 60dB. A siren 10 meters away and speakers at a rock concert measure around 110dB, heavy weapons and space rockets register at 180-190dB, and at 194dB, sound waves become shock waves.

While on the topic of computer noise, here's a great reference about the different 'sounds' your PC can make:

  • Hum: A "hum" is generally a steady, low-frequency vibration like your refrigerator makes. This is usually generated by the PSU and it's often amplified by the computer case. Sometimes it can be generated by the larger computer fans running at medium RPM.
  • Whir: A whir is like a hum but at a higher frequency. Not as high as a squeal or a whine, though. This is most likely caused by case fans, CPU fans, and sometimes GPU fans or power supplies.
  • Whining and squealing: A squeal is sort of an abrupt, intermittent whir but at an even higher frequency. A whine is similar to a squeal but steadier. These are often made by smaller-sized fans spinning at higher RPM speeds when starting up and/or running. Sometimes the culprit can be a HDD whining or a graphics card (coil whine) when it's working really hard and begins to vibrate, emitting a high-pitched noise in the process.
  • Rattling and buzzing: These types of sounds may or may not be intermittent. They may occur across several frequency ranges simultaneously (and at the same time). Rattling is caused by fans, HDDs, and CD or DVD players, often vibrating the computer case.
  • Grinding: A faint intermittent staccato type of sound often blended with a bit of whine. Grinding sounds are usually made by hard disk drives accessing files. SSDs won't emit this kind of sounds, of course.