South Korea
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Correct Answer: Iceland

A little background and more context about this trivia

According to the most recent data from 2023, Iceland continues to lead with an Internet penetration rate of nearly 100%. Following closely are New Zealand, Bahrain, and Finland, each with penetration rates around 97%. Additionally, the United Arab Emirates boasts a penetration rate exceeding 96%.

Whereas a decade ago the top of the list comprised mostly countries with relatively small populations, such as Iceland's population of around 366,000, many larger nations like Saudi Arabia and Australia are now part of the top 10 list for widespread connectivity.

The UK is the largest country to make the top 10 list, with approximately 95% of its population of around 67 million people online. Meanwhile, South Korea and Australia have penetration rates of 95% and 97%, respectively, for their populations of approximately 49 million and 25 million. Japan, with a population of about 120 million, has an Internet penetration rate of around 94%. It is estimated that about 92% of the 331 million people in the US are online, placing it around 25th on the list.