TSMC's EUV machines have a remote kill switch should China attempt a hostile takeover

Shawn Knight

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Staff member
The big picture: TSMC isn't exactly located in an ideal region as it relates to geopolitical issues. Some believe China could attempt a hostile takeover of the chipmaker at any time, a move that could wreak havoc on global economies and push the country even closer to war with the US.

Should matters escalate to that level, it is believed that TSMC would be safeguarded one way or another. Sources familiar with the matter told Bloomberg that ASML, the Dutch company that manufactures the extreme ultraviolet machines used to make advanced chips at TSMC, has remote kill switches in place to disable production should things go south. The company has even run simulations on what a possible invasion might look like, the people said.

In reality, the companies likely wouldn't ever have to remotely disable the machinery.

TSMC is a massive operation that requires resources from the global supply chain to operate. Should something happen to the facility in Taiwan (like a takeover by China), partners would simply halt all shipments and the whole operation would grind to a halt.

Advanced machinery also requires specialized workers to operate, and it's unlikely that China would be able to simply pick up where TSMC employees left off.

The US may also play a role in the matter should a takeover happen. According to US Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo, the US currently buys 92 percent of its leading edge chips from TSMC. Any disruption here would be "absolutely devastating," Raimondo added.

The threat of TSMC falling into China's hands has led some to believe that the US would go as far as to destroy facilities to prevent China from resuming production. Such a move would no doubt elevate tensions between the two countries, so hopefully we'll never have to realize what that would look like.

TSMC, meanwhile, is in the process of bringing some of its operations to the US. The company recently received $11.6 billion as part of the US Chips Act to build a third facility in Arizona.

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It would be expensive to say the least, but they should "blow it up".
I think if China were to strike, they will or will not, depending on the outcome of the 2024 U.S.A.
election. Should Biden win, they probably won't invade. Should Trump win, they may, before
January 2025 when he is sworn in.
It's also why you see a lot of manufacturers trying to set up shop outside of Taiwan, just in case.
It would be expensive to say the least, but they should "blow it up".
I think if China were to strike, they will or will not, depending on the outcome of the 2024 U.S.A.
election. Should Biden win, they probably won't invade. Should Trump win, they may, before
January 2025 when he is sworn in.
It's also why you see a lot of manufacturers trying to set up shop outside of Taiwan, just in case.

-Taiwain 1000% has all the critical infrastructure of TSMC wired to blow if China makes a move.

I mean it's basically a gun pointed at the head of the global economy at this point. "Defend us or prepare for a new dark age".
Taiwan said it would not tolerate USA attempting to destroy its infrastructure anymore than if it were China. It would be outrageous for USA to even attempt such a thing, Taiwan is a sovereign state.
Taiwan said it would not tolerate USA attempting to destroy its infrastructure anymore than if it were China. It would be outrageous for USA to even attempt such a thing, Taiwan is a sovereign state.

It is that sovereignty that is at threat if China elects to invade Taiwan. Realistically, if Taiwan is invaded their sovereignty ceases to exist, and at that point they become the PRC. This is no different to the allies bombing French infrastructure during WW2.
China is an evil country. US is next in that list.
Your comment shows completely lack of history knowledge. When was the las time USA intentionally starved 30 millions of its citizens?
When was the last time US government plowed protesters with tanks?
The difference between China and USA is light years.
No country on earth can be good in a sense we put it when we speak of people. It is impossible
in the world where strength and wars decide who is the main power.
Best comparison is that when countries like China starve their own people, USA sends food to save them.
China would happily torture Taiwan workers to provide all instructions for operating the machines and they would find the supplies they need from somewhere... Look at how Russia is managing with all the sanctions... unfortunately directly bombing those facilities may be the best option for everyone. China does not care about human rights in this regard.
Taiwan said it would not tolerate USA attempting to destroy its infrastructure anymore than if it were China. It would be outrageous for USA to even attempt such a thing, Taiwan is a sovereign state.
Not according to USA. Would be much easier if the whole world actually would actually recognize the Republic of China, aka Taiwan, as a sovereign state. Right now Taiwan is in limbo - from one side it is a country, from another - nearly no other countries recognize them as such. They are left alone and they will be just another victim to which US will send their prayers when China will (and they will) decide it is enough of playing around and send the ships.
Your comment shows completely lack of history knowledge. When was the las time USA intentionally starved 30 millions of its citizens?
When was the last time US government plowed protesters with tanks?
The difference between China and USA is light years.
No country on earth can be good in a sense we put it when we speak of people. It is impossible
in the world where strength and wars decide who is the main power.
Best comparison is that when countries like China starve their own people, USA sends food to save them.
So we are gonna ignore Hiroshima Nagasaki atomic bombing which killed millions of people?

US has done equally bad in terms of killing people. If not worse than China.
So we are gonna ignore Hiroshima Nagasaki atomic bombing which killed millions of people?

US has done equally bad in terms of killing people. If not worse than China.
Casualties Hiroshima:

70,000–126,000 civilians killed
7,000–20,000 soldiers killed
12 Allied prisoners of war


60,000–80,000 killed (within 4 months)
150+ soldiers killed
8–13 Allied prisoners of war

Total killed:


I'll take wikis word over a random strangers, who's trying just a little too hard.
Whether those figures are correct or not, let's say, double it to take into account those who died of radiation effects. It still doesn't make 'millions'
The casualties could have been much higher than this if the bombs had not been dropped, due to the Japanese willing to fight until the last man and the decision was taken due to this.
It probably did stop many more casualties than actually did occur.
There'd have been no casualties at all if the Japanese hadn't entered the war and attacked pearl harbour, but that doesn't count eh? The allies were drawn into a war they didn't want. So ultimate responsibility lies with those who attacked first.
If my neighbour comes round to try harm me and my family, I'm not gonna apologise for putting him in the hospital or worse. Don't like it? Too bad!
It would be expensive to say the least, but they should "blow it up".
I think if China were to strike, they will or will not, depending on the outcome of the 2024 U.S.A.
election. Should Biden win, they probably won't invade. Should Trump win, they may, before
January 2025 when he is sworn in.
It's also why you see a lot of manufacturers trying to set up shop outside of Taiwan, just in case.
"It's also why you see a lot of manufacturers trying to set up shop outside of Taiwan, just in case."
Or more accurately, people have finally woken up to the fact that outsourcing such important technology manufacturing to another country was always a stupid move. It will take precious years to develop production facilities "in house" to fill the gap at a time when WW3 is potentially closer than ever.