

Computing is everywhere: smartphones, tablets, wearables and apps. Mobile trends that are revolutionizing our digital, on-the-go lives.

telegram ceo signal

Telegram boss throws accusations at Signal, claims rival has ties to US government

Distracting from Telegram's own issues?
A hot potato: Forget about Intel vs. AMD and Apple vs. Microsoft, the biggest, most intense public rivalry in the tech world right now is between messaging platforms Telegram and Signal. The latest attack came from Telegram CEO Pavel Durov, who suggested Signal was not secure and accused it of having ties to the US government.
apple samsung

Apple iPhone and Samsung Galaxy dominate phone sales, take over the entire top 10 list

No room for competitors
In a nutshell: Apple and Samsung were the best-selling smartphone manufacturers in the first quarter of 2024, together occupying every spot on Counterpoint's latest global top 10 list. iPhones captured four of the top five positions, conceding only the fifth spot to Samsung's Galaxy S24 Ultra. At the top of the stack is the iPhone 15 Pro Max. According to the report, this is the first non-seasonal quarter in which a Pro Max variant reached the top of the hill.
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